10 Ways to Grow in Preaching and Teaching
Preachers and teachers should be accurate, bold, and clear for the goal of the Gospel and the glory of God. By way of application, here are 10 ways to grow in preaching and teaching.
Book Review Starter Kit
If you are interested in getting started with book reviews, I have three steps to recommend.
3 Ways to Read More
Do you want to read more? Here are my personal tips for you to put into practice.
Born a Baby
A somewhat comical list of things I noticed from the Biblical text about baby Jesus, especially after becoming a father.
3 Tips on Working With Older Men
“Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers.” - 1 Timothy 5:1.
They Do All Their Deeds To Be Seen By Others
What does Jesus have to say about my platforms?
What Are My Podcast Goals?
I hope this article proves to be an encouragement and exhortation to you as you see how you can use your gifts, talents, and voice in many ways.
Why You Must Watch Your Tapes
Here are three reasons why I ask my Sunday School co-teachers to watch the video recordings of their teaching sessions.
Three Roles of a Youth Sunday School Teacher
Re: Three Roles of an Adult Sunday School Teacher