Behold Him as the Lamb!
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon The Jews, the Judge, and the Robber. March 19, 2023. First Chinese Baptist Church, Walnut, California.
With Love and My Affection
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon Jesus Prays for His People.
A Warning and a Promise
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon I Have Said All These Things to You to Keep You from Falling Away.
2022 RYCE Retreat Setlists
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death / God is the Strength of My Heart and My Portion Forever
Sovereign Over Suffering
Here is the closing prayer poem from my sermon The Good and True King who Came to Save God’s People.
My Ministry of Book Reviews
I was honored to be featured on The Good Book Company’s blog in their article on The Ministry of Book Reviewers. Here are my answers to their questions:
TGC Book Awards
I was honored to be a judge for the Arts and Culture category of TGC’s 2022 Book Awards! I was included alongside Terry Glaspey, Brett McCracken, and Rachel Wilhelm.
To Love and Proclaim Christ
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon Live Your Life Proclaiming Christ.
A Teacher and a King
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon Rightly Handling the Word of Truth.
We Are Not Left Alone
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon I Will Not Leave You as Orphans.
The World You Came to Save
The closing prayer poem from my sermon Jesus Came to Save the World.