How can the church survive in an ever-increasingly secular society? In Futureproof, Stephen McAlpine shows how to live for Jesus in a culture that keeps on changing.
Light of the Word
How can you have confidence in the trustworthiness of the Word? In Light of the Word, Susan C. Lim shares how knowing the history of the Bible illuminates our faith.
The Artistic Sphere
How did the Reformation impact the relationship between faith and the arts? Edited by Roger D. Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, The Artistic Sphere presents the arts in Neo-Calvinist perspective.
The Beginning and End of All Things
What does the doctrine of creation have to do with our daily lives? In The Beginning and End of All Things, Edward W. Klink III presents a biblical theology of creation and new creation.
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
How can you stay connected to Christ after the Easter season? In O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Jonathan Gibson gives a liturgy for daily worship from Pascha to Pentecost.
Glorifying and Enjoying God
How does Reformed theology affect our daily lives? In Glorifying and Enjoying God, William Boekestein, Jonathan Landry Cruse, and Andrew J. Miller provide simple yet solid devotions through the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
Teach Me to Feel
In Teach Me To Feel, Courtney Reissig shows how we can worship through the Psalms in every season of life.
More to the Story
What does Scripture have to say about our sexuality? In More to the Story, Jennifer M. Kvamme gives deep answers to real questions on attraction, identity, and relationships.
He Gives More Grace
How can moms find steady strength in God? In He Gives More Grace, Sarah Walton and Linda Green give 30 reflections for the ups and downs of motherhood through the years.
Just Be Honest
Does God care about our grief? In Just Be Honest, Clint Watkins explains how to worship through tears and pray without pretending.
Our Radiant Redeemer
Where can you find the light of Christ? In Our Radiant Redeemer, Tim Chester takes you through Lent devotions on the transfiguration of Jesus.