You Can Change
You Can Change by Tim Chester is a practical, interactive, and solidly biblical book designed to help Christians in all stages of life to find victory over sin by focusing on what God has already done in us.
Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness & Dating by Marshall Segal is not about waiting quietly in the corner of the world for God to bring you “the one,” but about inspiring you to live and date for more now.
Relationships by Jonathan Parnell offers a truer vision of relationships in general, and helps us get a handle on how to navigate them.
TGC has shared Leland Ryken’s Christian Guides to the Classics to help you read select works of classic literature through a Christian lens, including Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Tolstoy, and more.
Crossway has an entire website dedicated to their curriculum for The Biggest Story. It features free videos, weekly lesson plans, and printable activities for teachers and families.
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