Thank God it’s Friday

This is excerpted from my TGIF column at SOLA Network.

Articles From Around The Web

1. Brett McCracken: Seeing Reality Is Better than ‘Being Seen’

“Prioritize knowing the holy God above being known by the fickle masses.”

2. Seth Porch: Hobbits and Third-Culture Kids: Befriending the Strangers Among Us

“TCKs are hidden immigrants who bear all the marks of citizenship yet often feel distinctly out of place.”

3. Tim Challies: Protecting the Family Name

“What is earned by a long and earnest commitment can be destroyed by a single careless word or thoughtless moment.”

Books, Podcasts, Music, And More

1. Faith Chang: Perfectionism and Your Marriage: Faith Chang

Is perfectionism impacting your marriage? Your parenting? Listen to part 2 of Faith Chang’s conversation with Dave and Ann Wilson on the Family Life Today Podcast on perfectionism’s impact on your family — and practical ways to find grace and peace in imperfection.

2. Giselle Seidel: Jesus Will Speak in 100 Tongues, Thanks to Man Who Helped Disney’s Elsa Sing in 41 Languages

Rick Dempsey explains how his decades of localization expertise is being applied to The Chosen.

3. Aaron Lee: Related Works

Book review: From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives edited by David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Featured This Week On SOLA Network

1. AALC24: The Asian American Church: A Space to be Ourselves (YouTube, Podcasts)

Aaron J. Chung (Senior Pastor, Exilic Presbyterian Church) and Owen Y. Lee (Senior Pastor, Christ Central Presbyterian Church).

2. Aaron Lee: Cut Through the Noise: A Book Review of “Listen Listen Speak”

Through Biblical reflections and personal stories, Kim helps anchor our faith when God’s voice seems to be drowned out in the world.

3. AALC24: What is Asian American Theology? (YouTube, Podcasts)

Daniel D. Lee (Dean of Fuller’s Center for Asian American Theology and Ministry) and Ben Shin (Associate Professor, Talbot School of Theology).

4. Tim St. John: Mindless Food Moments

The call to eat and drink for the glory of God is a profound invitation to align every aspect of our lives, no matter how mundane, with the worship of our Creator.

5. SOLA Network: Coming Soon: AALC Interviews

The interviews cover themes that dive into the nuances of “Asian American Theology”, the experience of women in ministry, wisdom for Asian American church leaders, Youth Ministry, missions, and more.

6. TGIF: Roundup for July 12, 2024

The Beauty of “I’m Trying” / It’s OK to Fail / Does God Speak My Language? / Is Perfectionism Stealing Your Peace? / New Insights into the Formative Influence of Spurgeon’s Early Years

7. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription

Get our TGIF installments delivered straight to your inbox for free every Friday. Join today so you never miss out.


Honor and Respect


From Heaven He Came and Sought Her